Identify Spam and Phishing Emails


Key Benefits


Unlimited use
Hand Picked Topics
Smart Grouping
Excellent Tech Support
Custom Phishing & Landing pages
Advanced Reporting
Multi Lingual (English & Arabic)
Data protection & privacy laws

Achieve awareness in simple steps

Pre-assess the employees with our free simulated Phishing Test

We provide baseline testing to assess the Phish-prone percentage of your users through a free simulated phishing attack. 

Train your users with our Highest Quality security awareness training content

Including interactive modules, videos, quiz, posters and newsletters. Automated training campaigns with scheduled reminder emails.

Phish them again to see the progress!

Best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, Many templates with unlimited usage, and customized phishing templates.

Auto Generated Report

Showing stats and graphs for both security awareness training and phishing, ready for management. Show the great ROI!

Budget Friendly

With you get a fully customized security awareness program with assessments, modules, videos, quiz, newsletter & reports that are built exclusively for you.

You may wish to start small with a one-month security awareness campaign. Or, you may opt for a comprehensive annual security awareness program. In all cases, we have you covered.

Customization as per your need.


Make the course familiar and acceptable to employees by integrating your logo and brand colours.


Our program is available in Arabic & English!

For Special Needs

Easy to understand Sub-Titled content for People of determination.